... swimming around in words and images all morning .... composing these next couple of paintings .... considering all the pieces and parts and wondering how to assemble them.  The feeling is clear ... rich, oceanic, dreamy ... and the story elements are more or less fixed .... but I can't see it yet. Normally I tackle domestic chores when I'm blocked like this. But these paintings have deadlines, so ... 

I've been pushing to sort it out in a logical, linear way, and I think that's the problem. If I can move beyond that, it will show itself to me. Here's what I mean: there was this time when my father was dying. He and my sister loved each other, but always had trouble communicating ... a lifelong situation ... they just couldn't manage to strike the right cord. But when he was dying, all the troubles of all those years ceased to exist .... just melted away ... there was simply no need to talk it all out ...  like a line from a favorite poem: "we crossed an ocean to a place where there's nothing to explain".  In that harmonic place, love won because the conflict no longer existed. 

So that's where I am this morning ... crossing an ocean to a place where there's nothing to explain .... where beauty is an end in itself, and delivers story without narrative.  These are some of the images helping me along .... Gaugain, Klimt, unknown, Klimt:  

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